Renn Faire Privateer Gone Mom.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Serious moment: I'm not a prude and I'm not a pushover.

This whole 50 Shades of Grey thing has me thinking a lot about a topic that most of my friends and I don't agree on: Porn.  I'm not okay with it.  It's something I've never been comfortable with and the few times I've watched it I felt gross and dirty.  Rationally, I can see the appeal.  Emotionally, I just don't get it.  So when people hear that porn is not allowed in my house, and that it is a deal breaker for my marriage, they think I'm being unreasonable.  "Men need porn" is, in my opinion, a bullshit cop-out.  If you and your spouse mutually enjoy it together, good for you!  But don't judge the relationship my husband and I have just because I can't stand having it in my house.  To me, porn is sex, and sex is something that The Captain will enjoy with only me or he can GTFO.  Thankfully, he understands.  He can put himself in my shoes and can honestly say that he wouldn't be comfortable with me watching porn, either.  Maybe we're both a little insecure and, yes, we both know each other to be jealous types, but it works for us because we know exactly how the other is feeling.

So when I say I have no interest in becoming part of this 50 Shades of Grey craze because my husband wouldn't approve...  I'm not being a pushover or letting him control me.  I don't want to read it because he doesn't want me to.  Not because I'm a good-little-wifey that thinks how she's told to think, but because I am respecting his feelings the same way he respects mine.


  1. Good for you, same here! I went to Magic Mike with girlfriends and felt dirty the whole time.

    1. Yeah, that's another one I'm not interested in, either. I wouldn't be okay if Zach said he was going to a movie about strippers, why should I expect him to be okay with it?
