Renn Faire Privateer Gone Mom.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Booty my kid keeps sticking in his booty

Look.  We're all pirates here.  We love booty.  We have a house full of crap we don't need because we LOVE booty.

But you know what I don't love?  When my kid loves his booty SO much, that he thinks the only safe place for it is IN HIS BOOTY!
"Why you gotta play me like that, bro?"
In the past few weeks (in addition to the homie above), we have discovered:

Twice, in the same day.

 Way too many to count, on far too many separate occasions.

...yeah.  I have no idea how THAT was comfortable.

Just in case he needed to decorate something, STAT.

Vroom Vroom Motherf*&^er!

He likes to keep things that remind him of nature close by, apparently.
Also, CRAYONS.  Lots and lots of crayons.

I'm just thankful that we haven't found any of these things in his diaper along with what's SUPPOSED to be in there... yet.


  1. hahahahahaha BOOTY! My sister called my mom one day after we watched her daughter to tell us she found a bunch of crayons in her diaper. That haul? Is impressive!
    Thanks for stopping by the blog hop today!

    1. Crayons are like toddler currency, aren't they? They're just obsessed with the things!

  2. AHAHAHAHAHA!!! That's amazing! Way to go little dude!

  3. Interesting. I guess he'll never need to carry a man purse.

    1. I think I just need to start putting clothes on him that have pockets.

  4. Wow. At least it goes in the diaper *that* way - instead of him eating the stuff and pooping it out. I have a kid who eats books, and another who puts EVERYTHING in her mouth still. She's 3.

    1. True! I don't think I could handle a kid that eats everything!

  5. It's crazy the things kids will put in their diapers. Thanks for linking up with the Tattler Thursday Blog Hop. ((ImNoHumdrum-Mum: Co-Hostess)

  6. OMG your kid is hilarious! Whats with the broken take out fork though? Thanks for hooking up to the Hump Day Hook Up!

    1. I have no clue a) where he found it or b) how he got it into his diaper without maiming himself!

      Always a pleasure! Thanks for hosting!
